We are excited to have many great corporate sponsors for the Carolina Data Challenge!


UNC Department of Computer Science

Carolina Analytics and Data Science (CADS) as well as the Carolina Data Challenge are proud student organizations under the UNC Department of Computer Science. We thank the CS Department for their assistance throughout the entire process of planning CDC, as well as for allowing our events to take place in its home, Sitterson Hall!


NC State University Institute of Advanced Analytics

NC State’s Institute of Advanced Analytics has been a longtime partner of the Carolina Data Challenge. Hosting one of the most successful and intensive data science master’s programs in the state, the IAA have always held amazing events, and brought valuable networking and learning opportunities to CDC participants through their talented mentors, professors, and graduate students.



CData is one o fCADS’s primary corporate partner through the UNC Department of Computer Science. CData works with hundreds of major companies to provide them data access and connectivity solutions, streamlining data access and insulating its customers from the complexities of integrating with on-premise or cloud databases, SaaS, APIs, NoSQL, and Big Data. We are excited to have CData sponsor CDC!



We are excited to announce Deloitte to be a CDC 2024 sponsor! Deloitte provides audit and assurance, tax, consulting, and risk and financial advisory services to a broad cross-section of the largest corporations and governmental agencies. Deloitte is also hosting a workshop from 3-4pm!


UNC School of Data Science and Society